Tag: LanguageAtHome

Why do we talk to babies the way we do?

Why do we talk to babies the way we do?

The way caregivers talk to babies can be quite peculiar. They may change the sounds of language, exaggerating intonations or raising the pitch of their voice (like after breathing in helium from a balloon). Or they may change the words they use, like saying ‘kitty’…

How do I develop my child’s communication skills?

How do I develop my child’s communication skills?

Conversations are one of the cornerstones of communication. We have conversations all the time, from very brief ones when we ask a store clerk about a product to hour long phone calls with our best friends. A full-fledged conversation with a young child, however, can…

How can you use what your child is interested in to grow their vocabulary?

How can you use what your child is interested in to grow their vocabulary?

Think of the hours on end you can spend looking up your favourite sports team’s stats, making each and every recipe from your go-to cookbook, or debating with your friends about top gardening techniques. You can likely remember tiny details about things most people know…

Is it important to talk to a baby before she starts speaking?

Is it important to talk to a baby before she starts speaking?

Social interactions involve two (or more) people. Yet, when one of those people is a preverbal infant, an interaction can feel like a monologue. It can feel like the caregiver is just talking, or signing, to themself. So how can a caregiver foster language learning…

How to foster word learning?

How to foster word learning?

Imagine the moment a baby sees the world for the first time. All the sights and sounds that are just everyday happenings for us. A lot of learning about the world begins with joint attention. Moments when a child and a caregiver (or peer) interact…