Tag: Literacy

How can you help a child visualize a story as they read?

How can you help a child visualize a story as they read?

Reading, at first glance, is about mapping sounds onto written characters. There are, however, other skills a reader needs, like visualization. If you read a book series before seeing the movies, you may have been surprised at how different your imagination was from the visuals…

How can I help my child read more fluidly?

How can I help my child read more fluidly?

Imagine a robot reading a sentence word by word: The. Owl. Sleeps. On. The. Tree.Now try reading the sentence silently: The owl sleeps on the tree. You may have almost heard yourself saying it in your head. It may seem that we read word after word monotonously,…

How do I build a strong foundation for a Deaf child’s literacy skills?

How do I build a strong foundation for a Deaf child’s literacy skills?

When we think of literacy, the first thoughts that come to mind might be the shapes of letters or characters or the hand movements used to write those letters or characters (see Do we need to teach handwriting these days?). There is, however, more to…

Do we need to teach handwriting these days?

Do we need to teach handwriting these days?

Most of the writing we do these days, from emails to reports to tweets, is on a keyboard. It can seem intuitive to also start with the keyboard when teaching a child to write. Typing looks so much easier to do than handwrite. Just think…

Can reading be taught through movement?

Can reading be taught through movement?

As a child is making her first steps toward literacy, the focus is often placed on identifying letters or characters. Caregivers may point out a letter or character, and ask the child which it is. Though reading is largely a visual (or haptic, in the…

How can I improve my child’s literacy skills in everyday moments?

How can I improve my child’s literacy skills in everyday moments?

Reading and writing are two facets of literacy. To make learning to read and write easier, we might want to break literacy down and teach just reading or just writing at any one time. Yet, a particular effective way to develop literacy skills is actually…

What are the foundations of literacy?

What are the foundations of literacy?

At first glance, learning to read can seem to be just about learning to match symbols (letters or characters) to sounds. But there is a lot more to reading than meets the eye! There are three foundational basics:  First, a child needs to learn that…